Burundanga de Zocotroco
José M. Umpierre
On Imminent Danger and First Aid
The Autocratic State

North America elected a convicted rapist embezzler by a majority of both popular vote and the Electoral College.
To my better understanding, anyone attempting to comply with his/her civic duty to be informed is inevitably exhausted after the recent election in USA. The battle has been long and hard, intensified by news media in their sensationalizing the drama and the differences between the candidates.
The writing is on the wall. North America elected a convicted rapist embezzler by a majority of both popular vote and the Electoral College, better that past elections. The focus of attention is in what form and shape does Trump attempt to attain the power he contemplates and policies he has proposed.
In view of his rhetoric, earlier actions, and campaign style, reinforced with his triumph, we know what he says. It remains to be seen how he does. In his discourse and behavior, he has shown his zeal for power, an inflexible adversarial vision that simplifies the world to friends and foes, lies easily and preaches revenge and retaliation. Traits that define a despot.
How the Nation moves to a regime is dominated by distrust and suspicion, we are either for or against. We have seen samples of further movement towards intolerance to dissidence where critics are criminalized as enemies and conspirators, where defiance is considered treason and humor is to be punished.

The evolution to an autocratic state requires the strengthening of the security apparatus, emphasis on vigilance, persecution, and punishment.
The evolution to an autocratic state requires the strengthening of the security apparatus, emphasis on vigilance, persecution, and punishment. The wrath against illegal aliens (estimated between 10 ad 12 million) calls for them to be gathered for mass deportations and concentration camps. This implies increase in police and paramilitary sources. A tough stand against adversarial institutions: academia, news organizations, and unions. An increase in prison and concentration camps as ways to save the country.
History warns to be attentive to the growth of patriotic militias, strengthened by the legitimacy of the leaders blessing: the new state warriors with the mission to save the land. The increase of internal espionage, as seen by the Gestapo, KGB and Hoover’s FBI. Add to that secret organizations with abundant resources that have served to install terror as a way of social control and that are known to awake brutality and sadism seen in torture, homicide, and the genocide of ethnic cleansing. Militias of good people as seen in Charlottesville and the Capitol on January 6.
First Aid
The first line of defense against the imminent threat of mounting authoritarianism is abstract and social; the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the people that believe in them and value freedom. We can expect political opposition in Congress and legal actions in court, as well as the press and social media. It is reasonable to expect more polarization and confrontations, scandal after scandal.
Social activism could and should come on hand with a personal quests; it’s a good time to reconsider identity, dwell deeply into why and how we behave, our visions and aspirations. The three basic questions always apply: How do I feel? What do I think? What am I to do? There are other helpful ones: how do I find the best in me? How do I help?

The first line of defense against the imminent threat of mounting authoritarianism is the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
The moment is propitious for retaking success from failure, a serious dive in consciousness in pursuit of the best ways and goals. Don’t disregard optimism entirely. We need to dream as much as we need humor. Laughter is the best remedy, it replaces sadness and makes the things we can’t change lighter.
I believe it is crucial to embrace fascination, enthusiasm and amazement. Where there is life there is hope. We might have lost a battle but there is powder left, plenty. That the situation is adverse: granted. That is not unusual. That this issue is very serious and can seems overwhelming; yes, that too. There is a lot at stake: liberty and civil rights. No small items.
Seamen say that when sailors pray and priest curse in the middle of a storm, it’s hard to be calm. This is the case. It’s best not to panic. So I turn to the spiritual wisdom of Santa Teresa:
Let nothing trouble you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes.
Copyright 2024 by José M. Umpierre. All photos are in the public domain.