Trump Deranged Syndrome

Diagnosis: Protagonist Obsession Syndrome,
Ever since I discovered the social sciences and diagnostic nomenclature I was fascinated by syndromes, a group of symptoms applied to attempt to define conditions and behavior. To my understanding, there is a formal dimension done by specialist and academics that define them based on validating studies; there is also a less rigorous definition used as literary figure or opinion editorials based on observation and logic.
On that second definition, some time ago I proposed the Protagonist Obsession Syndrome, suffered by those unfortunate souls convinced by the firm belief that they were born to order and have the unalienable right to the last word. It is caused by primary narcissism and a compulsion not to be cured by pain nor defeat. I don’t believe it’s specific to any culture, remain convinced they are to be found in all but I remain amazed on the frequency they abound in ours.
It is not the local fauna that concerns me today, it is more of a topic, a subject and a state of affairs that I have avoiding for years for his prominence is such that all has been said and written so why add to that? Nevertheless, here I am, motivated by my encounter with the Trump Deranged Syndrome in the press. I’m doubly motivated for, if there is someone that complies with the Protagonist Obsession it’s the ex- president and candidate, with the aggravation that fore standing is not his only obsession, he also exaggerates greatly his worth and lies as it were the most natural thing.

Trump Deranged Syndrome.
I’m well aware that I’m under the influence of the Trump Deranged Syndrome since he took the public stage in the 2016 Republican debates. Since then I have not been able to overcome my awe on how such a bird has flown so high, how such a vulgar abusive narcissist has captured the attention, not of the nation but the world has made it to the presidency and commands a base of 70 million followers that share a unmoving cult of fanatics. He defies my ability to understand the absurdity of such a coarse, divisive, convicted rapist and master of defamation, heavily fined for lying on the value of his properties to get loans and evade taxation, promoter of a seditious conspiracy to subvert elections, has dominated the political scene in the US for a decade.
All has been thrown at the Teflon Don, that has proven to be very slippery, nothing seems to alter his image and his ways, nor the loyalty of his maga base. I’ve been attentive since the Republican Debates in 2016 when he insulted and mocked his opponents. It is impossible to forget his infamous video with Billy Carter as vivid example of his overpowering vanity ( if you are a star the let you grab them by the pussy). A true example for the nations youth.
His shameful moments in the presidency are to many to recount bu this admiration for Putin and his love letters from Kim Yung Un are as unbelievable as unforgettable, as his pushing around the world leaders. Images that have gone viral and exemplify the most elemental absence of decorum.

Love letters from Kim Yung Un.
I can not overcome my amazement at the need to legally prove an insurrection and subversion of the foundations of democratic rule when it happened live on television for the world to see. At present we endure his unending laments and accusations of witch hunting and politicized trials for fraud, taking classified documents and conspiring to alter election results, proclaiming himself a hero and a martyr.
No doubt the guy is a phenomenon, a specimen that comes around once in a century subverting the foundations of social moral and political ethics. If there is much of that left in this era when the new paradigm seems to be: scandals sell and anything goes.
What remains extraordinary and inexplicable to me is that he is the forerunner in the presidential contest. I truly abide by freedom of speech and diversity, but also believe that the absence of virtue and policy of low blows serve to illustrate things as the should not be.

The guy should have been behind bars sometime ago.
In my opinion, the guy should have been behind bars sometime ago, but I have learned with age that dreams seldomly come true. I would be content with less, to end his protagonism and stop him breathing al the oxygen in the room. To be free of a toxic presence of this fool that I’ve been fed up for so long, render him irrelevant and have him exit public attention. I know it won’t happen overnight, but I’m convinced that some dreams come true and I would so much like this to be one of them. I’m also sure there are millions who share my dream.
Copyright 2024 by José M. Umpierre. All images used in this blog are in the public domain.