Pensamientos Editorial La Voz Newspaper – October, 2019
Otra vez aquí estamos con La Voz. Con un poco de tristeza recordamos al amigo Rogelio F. Muñoz de Uvalde, Texas.
Rogelio passed away recently and leaves a legacy that will be difficult to match. He came of age during the Chicano
Movement and served as an inspiration for many activists who decided that they too might be able to go to college.
In fact, a number of them followed Rogelio to the University of Houston and at one time almost 10 guys
from Uvalde lived with Roy in a small two bedroom apartment. After law school he came back to Uvalde and
practiced law for more than 40 decades. Read about his life and work on pages 6 and 7.
We wish to also call to your attention in this issue of La Voz an upcoming event on October 18th: a ceremony
recognizing Ray Martinez. Mr. Martinez was the Austin policeman who took out the University of Texas
tower shooter in 1966. For more information on this event see page 5.
Every year the Texas Capitol is the site of the Texas Book Festival. Authors from around the county come to Austin and
read or discuss their latest works with the public at this free event. We have profiled some of these authors on pages 12 thru
15. Make the time to listen and visit with them. You will be surprised to lean how many of them actually reside in Austin,
Here is something to think about: As we all know the President of the United States is under constant fire
for a variety of things. So the question becomes, how will history books look back on his years in office as the
45th person to hold that office?
I think there might exist the possibility that he will be seen as having been good for the country. I think that he prove
to be the one who really woke up the country will his bad decisions, and constant stream of outrageous comments.
If voter turn-out improves next year and President Trump is defeated, part of the credit for this will have to go to
the man himself for making so many people mad at him.
Finally we wish to congratulate Teresa Perez Wisley for recent election as the new Treasurer of the
statewide organization Tejano Democrats. She will be working with the new president Manuel Medrano who is out
of San Antonio, Texas.
Copyright 2019 by Alfredo Santos. To view the entire issue of La Voz visit: .