Bienvenidos otra vez a La Voz.

El mes de marzo es reconocido como el mes para celebrar la mujer.
Esperamos que el contenido de cada ejemplar le da la oportundiad de saber de lo que esta pasando nada más en su comundidad pero también en otras comunidades en Texas.
El mes de marzo es reconocido como el mes para celebrar la mujer. En la historia de muchos países, la mujer siempre has sido olvidada. Sus hechos y contribuciones siempre han sido olvidados o ignorados totalmente.
En este ejemplar de La Voz, quermos llamar a su atención Dolores Huerta. Dolore ha luchador casi toda su vida para mejorar las condiciones del pobre. Ella, tanto como muchas otras mujeres han sacrificado por añospara conseguir la justicia.
No podemos reconocer el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer sin celebrar a la cofundadora de la UFW Dolores Huerta por todo lo que ha hecho desde los primeros días y todo lo que continúa haciendo hoy para inspirar a los campesinos y mejorar sus vidas.
A great story by Luis Valdez appears on pages 6 and 7 which recounts his experiences with
Dolores during the early years of the farm worker movement.

Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for American kids.
Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for American kids. In 2021 there were 1,572 youths killed in gun violence with an 80% increase in Black youth and 46% in Hispanic youth. February 14th marked the 5th anniversary of the Parkland school shooting that took 17 lives and inspired a global youth movement.
Last May, the Uvalde school shooting surpassed Parkland as the deadliest to date with 21 lives lost. In the same month, a manifesto by the shooter of 10 Black victims at a supermarket in Buffalo self identified as a known supporter of white supremacy, voicing support for the far-right “Great Replacement” conspiracy
theory in the context of a “white genocide”. For the first time mass shootings have been described as acts
of domestic terrorism.
On page 12 is the announcement of the film screeening: Rebecca Flores: Under the South Texas Sun.
If you can make to San Antonio, this film will tell the remarkable story of the woman who led the efforts of the United Farm Workers in Texas for over 30 years. She will be at the screening.
On page 14 you will a new book by Delia Garcia who interviewed 50 women across the United States and has
allowed them to tell their personal story of how they worked to realize their dreams. Some of them will
also share the countless times they were told no. que no se puede, that what they wanted to accomplish was
not possible.
On page you will find a story on Teresa Urrea. This is a woman who became so dangerous at the young age of 19 that she was exiled from Mexico by Porfirio Diaz. How could someone be so dangerous that she would be kicked out of her own country?
And lastly we want to call to your attention Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto, on page 13, the new Dean of the
Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkansas. She was previously at The University of Texas at Austin.
Cambiando de Tema
Te heche mentiras, the story on Dr. DeFranceseo was not the last story. Our last commentary
is to join the many people in honoring Juan Felipe Herrera who was named the 2023 Recipient of
the Frost Medal. In the world poetry, this is a big deal when the Poetry Society of America honors you
with a lifetime achievement Congratulations to Juan Felipe Herrera for being the 2023 recipient of the Frost
Copyright 2023 by Alfredo Santos.