Using Circus Theory to Understand Trump
El Presidente No es Pendejo

Donald Trump is today’s circus ringleader.
Most of us know what a circus is. Some of us have been to a circus. The P.T. Barum and
Bailey Circus was indeed a spectacle when it rolled into town and paraded to the location
where the big tents had been set up. Watching all the people set up the tents
and bringing in the elephants, lions, tigers and bears was a thrill in itself.
Once inside the big tent the ringmaster took center stage under the spotlight and
addressed the audience through a microphone. Together with all his assistants
he would call attention to the trapeze artists swinging from above. Then he would call to
your attention the elephants and the tricks they could do on command. But it was the
clowns that everybody waited for because they would perform routines and make you oooh and aaah. Last but not least was the person who was shot out of a cannon. That was the real thriller.
If you liked and understood the circus experience, it should be
easy for you to understand President Donald Trump. He is the ringmaster today and he is doing an excellent job of getting people to ooh and aah, almost on “Q”. Take for example the recent speech he gave on the 4th of
July. As he spoke he made reference to the soldiers in 1776 and how they protected the airports.

As ringleader Trump is doing an excellent job of getting people to ooh and aah
Almost immediately the internet went wild with oohs and aahs about this perplexing
statement. The critics came out in droves. But what if you were to learn
that the President made this comment on purpose? What if you were to learn that like
the circus ringmaster, you were being given something to ooh and aah about?
President Donald Trump no es pendejo. He knows exactly what he is doing. He knows how
to use his twitter account and technology to get the audiences to watch the monkeys tumble
and the lions to roar. Pass the popcorn. Es todo!
Copyright 2019 by Alfredo Santos. All photos in the public domain.