The Golden Rule obverse is alive and well …
Let’s gang up on Biden, and give Trump a pass…

There is no evidence, medical or otherwise that President Biden is incapable of intellectually or physically carrying out his duties.
As a backdrop to the commentary herein: There is no evidence, medical or otherwise – none! – that President Biden is incapable of intellectually or physically carrying out his duties now or in the future.
This election year we are confronted with the possibility that Donald Trump – and all the indecency, meanness, and evil he and his cult followers carry around with them – may once again sully the Oval Office. Making matters a thousand times worse, the U.S. Supreme Court recently gave Trump license to commit criminal acts should he be elected president again.
And making matters even worse than that, by another thousand times, is that some Democrats – in cahoots with media folks and pundits – are undermining President Biden’s re-election bid and by their actions will surely discourage some people from voting. In essence, these Democrats are helping Trump, for any Democratic vote not cast is in actuality a vote for Trump.
Project 2025 – the Trump Instruction Manual…
The right-wing Heritage Foundation has issued the draconian “Project 2025,” which has been described as an Instruction Manual for a Trump presidency.
A detailed analysis of this roughly 1,000-page document is beyond the scope of my blog, but here is a sampling of its contents:
* Eliminate unions and worker protections…
* Complete ban on abortions with no exceptions…
* Cut Social Security and Medicare…
* End the Affordable Care Act…
* Defund the FBI, the Department of Justice, and Homeland Security…

Project 2025 proposes ending Social Security.
* Persecute and prosecute political rivals and journalists…
* Eliminate the U.S. Department of Education…
* Eliminate Head Start…
* Fire all (tens of thousands) Civil Service employees and replace them with Trump loyalists (a loyalty oath to Trump rather than to the Constitution would be required of all federal employees)…
* End climate protections…
* End Marriage Equality and LGBTQ+ protections…
* Use the military to break up domestic protests…
* Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in “camps”…
That – and much more of the same – is what awaits us should Trump get elected in 2024.
But let’s gang up on Biden, why don’t we…

During the recent presidential debate, Trump refused to answer the moderators’ questions and spouted off lie after lie.
During the recent presidential debate, Trump refused to answer the moderators’ questions and spouted off lie after lie. For his part, Biden addressed the moderators’ questions, but he stuttered (a congenital condition) and appeared lethargic – he would later explain that he was exhausted (he had just returned from a European trip) and had a bad cold.
Biden’s stuttering, lethargic debate performance surely deserved some mention afterwards, as did Trump’s avoiding, lying performance. However, the news anchors, reporters, pundits, and the Democratic elite (e.g., the donor class, the “strategists”) decided to focus solely on Biden and demonize him and give Trump a pass.
Since the debate, Biden has attracted large, enthusiastic crowds at rallies. At these, Biden has been energetic and motivating as he touts his administration’s achievements and his plans for his second term. The debate night’s stuttering, lethargic Biden is a thing of the past, right?
Not for the news anchors, the reporters, the pundits, and the Democratic elite. For over a week, they have been hammering away at Biden’s debate performance and in essence demanding that he quit and for all intents and purposes let Trump walk into the Oval Office unopposed. Which is precisely what would happen, for one doesn’t have to be a political genius to know that there is no way a Democrat could put together a viable presidential campaign in the 115-or-so days left before the election.
And to boot, a handful of Democratic congressmen have jumped on the “Let’s demonize Biden and get Trump elected” bandwagon.
Let’s do unto others what we don’t want done unto us…
I’m willing to bet a few dollars that every single one of the people demonizing Biden – the news anchors and reporters, the pundits, the donor class, the “strategists,” the Democratic congressmen – has had a bad day in his or her professional life. A day when everything just seemed to go wrong. Those days happen … we’ve all had them.
I’m willing to bet a few more dollars that every news anchor, every reporter, every member of the donor class, every pundit, every “strategist,” every Democratic congressman would resent critics defining his or her entire professional life by that one bad day and would resist strenuously calls for him/her to be fired and thrown onto the heap of infamy due to that one bad day.
Apparently, these folks subscribe to the obverse of the Golden Rule: Do onto others what you don’t want done onto you.
Per credible research and sources…

The great majority of voters do not as a rule watch presidential debates … the average voter did not see Biden’s debate performance …
The great majority of voters – the folks who actually decide who gets elected – do not as a rule watch presidential debates … the average voter did not see Biden’s debate performance …
Thus, for these voters, the press coverage of debates tends to matter more than the debates themselves, for their major source of information about the debate will be post-debate news reports and opinion pieces.
And this is why the news anchor-reporter-pundit obsession with Biden’s stuttering, lethargic debate performance and their total lack of concern about Trump’s egregious lies (e.g., that some Democrat-run states allow abortions “after birth” … that undocumented workers are living in “luxury hotels” at government expense) matters.
The contrast is clear…
The contrast between Biden and Trump is crystal clear and is what voters should focus on.
I may not agree with everything he says or does, but I believe Biden is a decent person, someone who truly cares about people – the working class, women, children. His decades-long record proves that as do his contemporary actions and priorities – e.g., capping the price of insulin at $35 a month … forgiving student loans for tens of thousands of students … standing with striking workers.
People close to Trump have themselves said that Trump cares only about himself and cares very little, if at all, about people. Just one example:
So as to look “tough” on immigration, Trump callously tore close to 4,000 children from their parents and locked them up in cages, with no tracking system that could help reconcile the families. About 1,400 of the seized children have not been (and may never be) reunited with their parents. Can’t get any more uncaring than that.
Biden has never been charged with, or convicted of, a crime.
Trump has been convicted (by a jury of regular citizens) of 34 felonies. Also, Trump has been found liable (by a jury of regular citizens) of sexually assaulting a woman, and he has bragged openly of sexually assaulting women. Trump still faces four (4) federal and state indictments totaling over 40 charges.
At last count, 11 people who played key roles in Trump’s presidential campaigns or his administration have been charged with crimes. Eight (8) have been sentenced to prison and three (3) have accepted plea deals.
Moreover, more than 1,265 people have been charged, and so far 460 have been sentenced to prison, for their roles in the Trump-incited Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection.

Trump has called for the termination of the U.S. Constitution and has repeatedly violated his oath to the U.S. Constitution.
Biden commands the respect of world leaders. Just this week, Biden hosted the NATO summit. He was treated with respect and affection by the attendees. In contrast, in 2019 Trump left the NATO summit early because world leaders (e.g., the UK Prime Minister) were avoiding taking a picture with Trump and fact-checking him (e.g., the French President).
Biden believes in democracy and the U.S. Constitution and for over 50 years has been true to his oath to that Constitution. Trump has called for the termination of the U.S. Constitution and has repeatedly violated his oath to the U.S. Constitution.
Given the above, in what universe is a Trump presidency preferable to a Biden presidency? And make no mistake – demonizing Biden and demanding he quit the race helps Trump and no one else.
I end as I started: There is no evidence, medical or otherwise – none! – that President Biden is incapable of intellectually or physically carrying out his duties now or in the future. c/s
Copyright 2024 by Salomon Baldenegro. To contact Sal write:
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