“In Memory of the Legendary Dr. Juan Gómez-Quiñones” “Anti-Mexicanism is a form of nativism practiced by colonialists and their inheritors.” --Dr. Juan Gómez-Quiñones (2017) Tuesday, … [Read more...]
Latino arts, history and culture
“In Memory of the Legendary Dr. Juan Gómez-Quiñones” “Anti-Mexicanism is a form of nativism practiced by colonialists and their inheritors.” --Dr. Juan Gómez-Quiñones (2017) Tuesday, … [Read more...]
Dr. Gary Francisco Jiménez Keller, Author, social activist and founder and publisher/editor of Bilingual Review press and Regents Professor at Arizona State University passed away on … [Read more...]
Dr. Francisco Arturo Rosales passed away on December 22, 2016. He left behind an enviable body of published works and inspirational leadership for the Chicano community. I was fortunate to be able … [Read more...]
In 50 Years of Struggle Part Three, the Reunion de Colegas scholars group continues their dialog about the present and future of Mexican American Studies. … [Read more...]
On the weekend of Dec. 9-12, 2021, a group of Mexican Americans scholars met in Berkeley, California to celebrate fifty years of Mexican American Studies. The group included many who were founders of … [Read more...]
The Chicana and Chicano Studies department at California State University Northridge was created in the Spring of 1969 following turbulent protests by African American and Mexican American students … [Read more...]
The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS) was founded in 1972 to encourage research to further the political actualization of the Chicana and Chicano community. NACCS calls for … [Read more...]
On August 29th, 1970 Jesús Treviño was present at the Chicano Moratorium March which became a police incited riot that ultimately resulted in the death of Los Angeles Times columnist Ruben Salazar. … [Read more...]
José Martí was a world class poet and essayist whose literary works ushered in the modernist literary tradition in Latin American letters. He was also an impassioned revolutionary who spent most of … [Read more...]
YOLANDA LOPEZ LATINOPIA HERO Yolanda M. Lopez (Nov. 1, 1942- September 3, 2021) is a Chicana painter, printmaker, filmmaker, photographer and social activist. A strong feminist whose works … [Read more...]
In the aftermath of the purposeful killings of Latinos in Gilroy, California and El Paso, Texas by deranged gunmen what should the response be of the Latino community? Urban planner Dr. Alvaro Huerta … [Read more...]
Elizabeth “Betita” Martinez, author and lifelong champion for the rights of Latinos in the United States and oppressed people worldwide passed away on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 in San Francisco, … [Read more...]
Betita Martinez is a social activist and author who published 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures in 1994. The book is a compilation of graphics and photos that chronicles Chicano history from … [Read more...]
ELIZABETH "BETITA" MARTÍNEZ, POLITICAL ACTIVIST The daughter of a Mexican immigrant, Manuel Guillermo Martinez, who arrived in the United States in 1917 with only $10 in his … [Read more...]
Prior to 1940, a generation of Mexican American youth who grew up in the Segundo Barrio neighborhood of El Paso, Texas had enlisted in the National Guard. In November of 1940, the National Guard was … [Read more...]
Latinopia Event 1945 USS Indianapolis Torpedoed 2 from on Vimeo. After the U.S.S. Indianapolis was sunk by a Japanese submarine on July 30, 1945, 900 men clung to rafts and fought off … [Read more...]
Latinopia Event 1945 USS Indianapolis3 from on Vimeo. On July 30, 1945, a Japanese Imperial Navy submarine torpedoed and sank the U.S.S. Indianapolis in the Pacific. Because of its … [Read more...]
In 1968, the United Farm Workers were in the third year of a struggle to get California grape growers to sign just contracts with the union. But the strike was becoming ever more violent. Beaten by … [Read more...]
Latinopia Event 1945 U.S.S. Indianapolis Torpedoed from on Vimeo. On July 30, 1945 the Navy cruiser U.S.S. Indianapolis was torpedoed and sunk by a Japanese submarine in the … [Read more...]
Thanks to the efforts of David Contreras Latinopia is offering the following links to internet sources for Chicano Latino art, literature, music, history and … [Read more...]
Latinopia Event Apache Wars2 from on Vimeo. In his book, The Apache Wars, Dr. Paul Andrew Hutton chronicles the war against the Apache people that the United States government waged … [Read more...]