New York Undercover was a police drama that aired on the Fox television network from 1994 to 1998. The show, produced by Dick Wolf, was distinguished as being one of the very few TV shows with people of color in the starring roles. Malik Yoba played Detective JC Williams and Michael DeLorenzo played the role of Detective Eddie Torres. In season two actress Lauren Velez joined the cast as officer Nina Moreno. During the 1996-1997 season New York Undercover was the most-watched show by the African-American audiences. When the show ended, Michael Delorenzo went on to star in the Showtime series Resurrection Blvd.
In this publicity photo, taken in 1995, we see the cast of the show (clockwise) Patti D’Arbanville-Quinn, Lauren Velez, Michael DiLorenzo and Malik Yoba. Posted under “fair use” proviso of the Copyright law.