Ode for José Montoya (9/29/13)
we begin with you
with paints
desert lands of Escabosa New Mexico
trails & morning conversations back in that
time we all do not know that early time
as a child – the one we do not know now
you began there
you dreamed there
we know the man
who roamed the world the city los pueblos – Fowler
for example small town 1,200 inhabitants maybe less
in the 50’s yes
I know the kindness your kindness
your voice your eyes all in your life you
that is what we all began to call your poetry
voices & casitas & halfdark highways
and the thing you said
was running amok you used that word amok
what stood out
was your kindness you never let it go
you lit it in a corner then brought it out
you nurtured it in that easy breath style or let me
put it this way – your life was devoted to all
I cannot list all the names or
the drawings or murals or the engines of the RCAF
something new is burning
todas todos esto
that item inside the paints & words
you gave us
now you are gone
now we begin again
we begin with you
– Juan Felipe Herrera