Hola Latinopians! We have two cool videos this week, one in literature and one in music. Luis Rodriguez returns to Latinopia with a reading of his poem, “Running to America,” from his collection of poems titled “My Nature is Hunger.” And singer/songwriter Mark Guerrero returns with another original song, this one dedicated to the memory of legendary Chicano artist Carlos Almaráz. Check them out!
Also this week, our friend Sara Inés returns with her blog Thinking Latina with Sara Inés Calderón–this week she offers an observation about Latinos and the Internet. Thing get wackier and wackier with Lazaro De La Tierra as he discovers more about his zombie identity in a new episode of Zombie Mex Diaries–this one is not to be missed–lots of plot point stuff! And later in the week Sergio Hernández will be tackling what everyone in Washington, D.C. seems to be avoiding–the Fiscal Cliff– in another adventure of Arnie and Porfi. Oh, and an update on the new editing system we’ve installed at Latinopia. I’ts up and running and we will soon be delivering improved videos in the weeks to come.
Hoping you New Year is progressing well!
Tia Tenopia