Hay mijos y mijas, your Tia Tenopia is so excited! The theme on Latinopia this week is honoring our past history makers and I for one am grateful to take a moment to give respecto to those who have gone before.
Sal Baldenegro raises the theme in his blog POLITICAL SALSA Y MÁS, reminding us of ground-breaking activists from Arizona who have shaped the world we live in today. Don Felipe de Ortego weighs in on his BRAVO ROAD WITH DON FELIPE blog with a remembrance of a time when published Latino authors were few and far between. And Don Felipe should know, he started one of the first classes in Chicano literature back in 1969 at the University of New Mexico. It was Don Felipe who popularized the notion of a “Chicano Renaissance.” And our video this week, also goes to grounder-breaking Chicanos of the past.
Our Latinopia Hero video celebrates Octavio I. Romano V (1923-2005) who was the founder of Quinto Sol Publications, one of the first editorials to publish Chicano authors. He established the Premio Quinto Sol which gave impetus to the careers of struggling authors like Rudy Anaya, Estela Portillo Tramley and Tomas Rivera, among others. So this is a week to appreciate those who have paved the way before us.
Of course we also have ANGELA’S PHOTO OF THE WEEK and ZOMBIE MEX DIARIES. Check it all out on Latinopia!
Tia Tenopia