Hola mis queridos and welcome to another week with your Tia Tenopia!
This is a special week. On November 11th we remember those many veteranos who have enlisted and fought in times of war. This Veteran’s Day your Tia tips her hat to those Latinos who fought in past wars with the Latinopia Showcase film “Meet Julian Gonzalez”– part of the on-going video documentation project headed by Prof. Maggie Rivas Rodríguez out of the University of Texas at Austin. For years Dr. Rodríguez has been documenting the stories of veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam as part of the Voces Oral History Project. To find out more about the project visit: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/voces/ And to see more veterano videos check out www.vimeo.com/vocesoralhistoryproject
But we also remember those brave men and women who are still in Iraq and Afghanistan with a reprise of documentary filmmaker Liz H. Colunga’s moving film “They Are Still There.” Both important videos that you should see.
In literature we have a new video featuring acclaimed author Luis. J. Rodriguez. Luis will be part of a reading at the Vincent Price Museum at East Los Angeles College on Saturday, November 12th. “The Three Louies” and features Luis Rodríguez known for his searing memoir “Always Running,” Louie Pérez, founder and member of the Los Lobos rock group and Luis Torres, award-winning journalist and radio reporter. All three will perform. For further information check out: http://www.vincentpriceartmuseum.org
Whether you can make it to the Vincent Price or not, be sure to check out Luis’s reading of the title poem from his collection of poetry “Concrete River.”
And lastly, we are have another Luis Torres book review. This time it’s a book about Pio Pico, the book is titled “Pio Pico: the Last Mexican Governor of California.” And please note that we will now be featuring Latino cultural events in major cities of the U.S. on a regular basis. Check out our new “November Events”posting and watch for events in coming months.
Bueno, Enjoy! TT