Hola and happy holidays from your Tia Tenopia to all of you rambunctious Latinopians! So we’re winding down the year and this week your Tia has been pretty maxed out on Christmas shopping and parties and all those things that take up so much of our time in December. Yet, we have a new video this week–music! Yes, it’s Los Pochos returning with their rendition of “Paso del Norte.” This is a classic corrido about the many immigrants who have passed through El Paso, Texas on their way into the United States. Coincidentally, Los Pochos are celebrating their fifteen year in the music business and you are invited to party with them on New Year’s Eve at a smash out party at the VFW Post- 1944, located at 16157 East Gale Avenue in the City of Industry, Califas. This is a rocking group not to be missed! Check out details on their website: www.lospochos.com. Also this week, we are reprising traditional Christmas recipes such as how to make tamales and capirotada from our Latinopia chef-in-residence, Diana Velarde-Hernandez. Check out our videos and have a rocking New Year’s Eve! Mucho carino y amor and see you next year, hay caray 2012 is on us! Your TiaTenopia.