Hola Latinopians! We proud to announce that this week we are adding a new blogger to the Latinopia familia. Fanny Garcia is founding editor of pLAywriting in the City, a Los Angeles-based arts magazine written by people of color (http://playwritinginthecity.com/ ) Fanny’s blog “Who You Talkin’ To Fanny?” will appear monthly. Fanny will be interviewing a host of artists, celebrities and personalities in the arts. This week we kick off Fanny’s blog with her interview with Latino playwright, Luis Alfaro. Check it out, púes!
Also this week, our regular monthly blogger Harry Gamboa Jr. returns with an original fictional story, “Giraffes and other Genitle Creatures.” I love Harry’s writings–quirky, urban and raw–somewhere between Kafka, García Marqúez and Dashiell Hammet. Check out Harry’s cool story.
And our regular weekly blogger are also back. Angela Ortiz brings us another Photo of the Week, this is one is “Vibrant.” Sergio Hernández weighs in on the recent scandal involving Latino politicians, don’t miss his “Greed Brothers” cartoon. And this week Lazaro De La Tierra’s world comes completely apart- don’t miss this pivotal episode in the saga of Zombie Mex Diaries.
Tia Tenopia