Hola Latinopians. We began this week talking about how April was a real literary month for Latinos throughout the United States and how Latinopia is helping in the celebration. And then yesterday we learned of the sad passing of one of a great Chicano leaders, Sal Castro. Sergio Hernandez’s cartoon tells it all. We have lost a great leader. For those of you who don’t know about Sal, check out the two Latinopia Event videos we are bringing front and center LATINOPIA EVENT 1968 CREATION OF EICC and 1968 SCHOOL BOARD SIT-IN. Togehter these two videso tell the Sal Castro story.
But, back to literature, we would remind you that on April 6th and 7th you had the Latino Book and Family Festival take place in Chicago. This week from April 19th through the 21st, acclaimed Chicana writer Denise Chávez is hosting the 19th Annual Border Books Festival. This year it takes place in downtown Las Cruces and includes Filmmakers Viviana García Besné and Nora Naranjo Morse, author Rubén Martinez and Latinpoia’s own Jesús Salvador Treviño. We celebrate the festival with a posting of Denise Chávez reading from her colelction “Novena Narrativas y Ofrendas.”
Also in literature we visit with pioneering Chicano author Rolando Hinojosa. Rolando won the coveted Casa de las Americas literary award for his novel “Klail City.” Latinopia asked Rolando to read from this novel and he read a poignant and memorable passage, so be sure to check it out! Also this week, the University of California at Riverside celebrates the life and accomplishments of the late great pioneering Chicano author Tomás Rivera. We repost a review by Luis Torres of Rivera’s iconic and classic coming of age novel, Y No Se Los Trago La Tierra (And the Earth Did Not Swallow Him).
Sal Baldenegro returns with a new Political Salsa y Más blog commenting on the controversy about how to celebrate César Chávez’s life and accomplishments. Sara Inés Calderón returns with a new blog, this time its about the new immigration bill being discussed in Congress. As usual Sara has her own unique take on this important issue. Watch also for a new Photo of the Week by Angela Ortiz, a new cartoon by Sergio Hernández. Due to the tragedy in Boston, the new episode of Zombie Mex Diaries scheduled for this week will be postponed. It’s fictional subject matter, sadly, is too resonant and coincident with events in real life. Out of respect we have postponed the blog. Nonetheless, check out this great week on Latinopia.
Enjoy y desfruten!
Tia Tenopia