Great videos and great blogs this week on Latinopia! Our videos include an interview with documentary filmmaker Mylene Moreno whose new documentary On Two Fronts will be broadcast nationally over PBS this Tuesday, September 22. On Two Fronts takes a long look at Latinos during the Vietnam war era. The war highlighted schisms in our Latino communities–some Latinos had been drafted and were fighting in Vietnam while others were at home protesting the war and the disproportionate death rate among Latinos. Accompanying our interview is a trailer for the documentary-Not to be missed!
Our San Juan-based blogger José Umpierre returns with Part Four of his four-part essay on how Puerto Rico got to be he way it is today. In this final installment he exposes the transparent greed of then Governor Charles Allen and how he kept Puerto Ricans in poverty so he could have a cheap labor pool to expand his sugar empire–all at the expense of the Puerto Rican people. Please check out this important and thoughtful look at how history affect the present.
Blogger Salomon Baldenegro brings us another story from Arizona. This week he looks at baseball tiros (teams) in Arizona. Many of these teams that go back to the 1920s originated in mining towns where the team became a focus for union and political organizing. Check out Sal’s Political Salsa y Más!
Angela Ortiz’s weekly photo this week is an original “Still Life.”
Enjoy your week at Latinopia!
Tia Tenopia