The time has come, or maybe the time has already passed, for people to do something about the direction in which our country is headed. It is no secret that there are those who have been working for years to take control of the government. But one question that is not getting much attention is just how powerful is the government? Other than withhold money for programs and projects, where is the power of the government?
The Colonists back in the late 1700s did not believe that the all powerful British government was something invincible. When they decided to break away from England they knew there would be consequences. But if you believe in something you also believe in yourself and what you are willing to do to reach your objectives.
The time is coming or has already arrived for people to decide what they are going to do. There are going to be some difficult choices in front of us. Back in the late 1700s, Benjamin Franklin was for breaking away from England. His son William was not. His son thought it was best to remain with the powerful English.
And so the question becomes what are you, me, us, going to do?
Are we going to continue to watch TV? Are we going to continue to seek out the happy hours? We know what happened to the Germans. How long do wait?
On the cover is a drawing that was sent in by Jason Moreno from Lovelady, Texas where one of the prisons in Texas is located. I found it in our files and thought that since March is Women’s History Month, it would be appropriate for the cover. Incarcerated folks in some of the units in Texas produce artwork that is very intricate and inspiring. Some even have websites where their work can be purchased.
Copyright 2025 by Alfredo Santos and La Voz newspapers. To read the complete March issue visit: