In the wake of the devastating and catastrophic fires that have swept the Southern California a number of agencies are offering support for fire victims. Here is a partial listing. California … [Read more...]
Latino arts, history and culture
In the wake of the devastating and catastrophic fires that have swept the Southern California a number of agencies are offering support for fire victims. Here is a partial listing. California … [Read more...]
Author Carmen Tafolla has been named the winner of the Texas Institute of Letters’ prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. This is the highest honor given by the TIL, which was established in 1936 to … [Read more...]
AMERICAN BOOK AWARD ACCEPTANCE SPEECH - OCTOBER 30, 2016, San Francisco, California Thank you, Justin Desmangles, Ishmael Reed and members of the Before Columbus Foundation for the vision to see … [Read more...]
HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH Homenaje a la Maestría By Levi Romero I not long after my high school English teacher had passed the colored pencils out I summoned her attention I can’t see what … [Read more...]
Arte Público Press is the leading publisher of books in English and in Spanish written by Spanish-surnamed authors in the United States. Since it was founded in 1979, the publishing house, based in … [Read more...]
EDITORIAL CAMPANA: PUBLISHING NEW YORK’S FINEST LATINO WRITERS New York based Editorial Campana is the leading publisher of New York based Latino and Latina authors. Driven by its energetic … [Read more...]
PROFILE: BILINGUAL REVIEW PRESS The Bilingual Review Press is one of the most prolific publishers of literature written by Spanish surnamed authors. Based at Arizona State University, in Tempe, … [Read more...]
LATINOPIA LITERARY LINKS: ARTE PÚBLICO PRESS. The leading publisher of North American Latino writers in English and in Spanish. Visit: AZTLAN READS. This is an excellent … [Read more...]