José Montoya is a renowned poet, artist and political activist. Here he reads from his celebrated bilingual poem, "El Louie," a reading that took place at Occidental College in Los Angeles, … [Read more...]
Latino arts, history and culture
José Montoya is a renowned poet, artist and political activist. Here he reads from his celebrated bilingual poem, "El Louie," a reading that took place at Occidental College in Los Angeles, … [Read more...]
Maria R. Berumen is a poet residing in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. She has been writing poetry since childhood and has published three volumes of Poemas de Fe y Esperanza (Poems … [Read more...]
President Elect Donald Trump has vowed to deport millions of people to Mexico. But is this really feasible? Dr. Laura Barberena, a political analyst with Viva Politics and Dr. Ricardo Romo, President … [Read more...]
The election of Donald Trump as Prsident of the United States came as a shock to many Latinos, particularly because it involved large numbers of Latinos who voted for Trump. Latinopia asked Dr. Laura … [Read more...]
Dr. Laura Barberena, creator of Viva Politics, and Dr. Ricardo Romo, President Emeritus of the University of Texas at San Antonio, respond to the question, what does the Trump electoral victory signal … [Read more...]
In the aftermath of the Trump victory, many Latinos are asking themselves what now? What should activists Latinos do in preparation of four more years of Trump? Dr. Laura Barberena of Viva Politics … [Read more...]
Olga García-Echeverría is a narrative writer and poet who was born and raised in East Los Angeles. Her book, "Falling Angels," is split in half between stories and poems, and features a bilingual … [Read more...]
José Montoya is a renowned poet, artist and activist who has been in the forefront of the Chicano art movement. One of his most celebrated poems is titled "Pachuco Portfolio" which pays homage to the … [Read more...]
Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo's latest collection of poems is titled Incantation: Love Poems for battle sites. The collection came about when Xochitl was awarded a residency at the Gettysburg Memorial War … [Read more...]
Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo's latest collection of poems is title Incantation: Love Poems fro battle Sites. The poems cover a range of themes. Here she reads to poems from the collection, Battlefields and … [Read more...]
Denise Frost is the author of the crime novel A Punishing Breed. She spoke to Latinopia about how her experiences as an administrator at a Los Angeles liberal arts college inspired her novel and the … [Read more...]
Ernesto Hogan is the celebrated author of the novels High Aztech, Smoking Mirror Blues and Cortez on Jupiter. His latest collection of Chicano science fiction is titled Guerilla Mural of a Siren's … [Read more...]
Ernesto Hogan is arguably the preeminent Chicano science fiction author whose novels include High Aztech, Smoking Mirror Blues and Cortez on Jupiter, His latest collection of science fiction stories … [Read more...]
LATINOPIA WORD ALBERTO RÍOS "HOW TO WRITE A POEM" from on Vimeo. Alberto "Tito" Ríos is a celebrated poet and author who has published ten books of poetry, three short story … [Read more...]
Elena Minor is a poet and fiction writer whose book of poetry, TITULADA, was published by Noemi Press in 2014. In this Latinopia Plática, Elena talks about how her writing is exploratory and about her … [Read more...]
Latinopia Word Anaya On Poetry from on Vimeo. Rudolfo Anaya is best known as the fiction writer of the acclaimed coming-of-age novel Bless Me Ultima. In 2015, Anaya ventured into … [Read more...]
LATINOPIA WORD ALARCÓN ON POETRY from on Vimeo. Francisco X. Alarcón is a poet, educator and social activist who resides in the San Francisco Bay area. His collection of poems, … [Read more...]
Renowned Arizona poet Alberto "Tito" Rios, whose body of work includes numerous poetry collections and chapbooks, short story collections as well as a memoir, was born and raised in Nogales, Arizona, … [Read more...]
Roberto Perezdiaz is an author of short stories and novels. He has been published in both English and Spanish. His latest collection of short stories is titled Subsonic Flight to Tequila Therapy and … [Read more...]
The title story from Roberto Perezdiaz's collection Subsonic Flight to Tequila Therapy involves a young man, Juliano, hunting near a favorite desert oasis when he is set upon by a trio of drug … [Read more...]
Dr. Emilio Zamora is a historian who was recently recognized wit the Roy Rosenwieg Distinguished Service Award Award by the Organization of American Historians. Besides his many writings, Zamora has … [Read more...]